Saturday, May 23, 2009

nyt: At the Bridge Table, Clues to a Lucid Old Age

" The evidence suggests that people who spend long stretches of their days, three hours and more, engrossed in some mental activities like cards may be at reduced risk of developing dementia. Researchers are trying to tease apart cause from effect: Are they active because they are sharp, or sharp because they are active?

The researchers have also demonstrated that the percentage of people with dementia after 90 does not plateau or taper off, as some experts had suspected. It continues to increase, so that for the one in 600 people who make it to 95, nearly 40 percent of the men and 60 percent of the women qualify for a diagnosis of dementia.

At the same time, findings from this and other continuing studies of the very old have provided hints that some genes may help people remain lucid even with brains that show all the biological ravages of Alzheimer’s disease. In the 90+ Study here, now a joint project run by U.S.C. and the University of California, Irvine, researchers regularly run genetic tests, test residents’ memory, track their activities, take blood samples, and in some cases do postmortem analyses of their brains. Researchers at Irvine maintain a brain bank of more than 100 specimens."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

great insight to getting lucid with age

Anonymous said...

I just pop a few acai berries and I am good to go.

Sen said...

Thanx for sharing

JD said...

Poker is key to longevity

Fred G said...

Doyle Brunson. Old and alive because of poker.

Anonymous said...