Friday, January 12, 2007 Exec Responsible For Marketing MSN, Windows Live Leaves MSFT Suddenly

"Martin Taylor, the 13-year MSFT vet who was supposed to lead the marketing effort for MSN and Windows Live, has suddenly left the company, according to a Bloomberg report. His departure comes just three months after his promotion to corporate VP; as recently as Monday, he was part of the PR push for the new Windows Live IM although, as Bloomberg notes, he wasn’t available for interviews then. "

And from valleywag:

Choska says:

The rumor mill in Redmond is that Taylor was spending a lot of time time fishing off the company pier, and that he had been doing that for years, but that isn't what got him fired.

What got him fired was that he was arranging for a woman-who-was-not-his wife to come with him on business trips, even though she had no reason to go on those trips. She was then filing expense reports for those trips.

Good to know that in Redmond you can ship shitty products and not get fired, but if you bill the company for flying your mistress/subordinate around the country your days are numbered.

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