Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Walt Mossberg's First Take of the Apple iPad - Positively Apple-esque


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Anonymous said...

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"Life satisfaction" which is later defined as enthusiasm - a zeal for life which is contagious. "The best teachers are more adept at engaging their pupils."
Boy people sure do seem to hate the name iPad. I heard that iTampon was the #3 trending topic on Twitter yesterday!

Here are some things that people said about another Apple product - the iPod. IPOD stands for:

"I Pretend it's an Original Device"
"Idiots Priced Our Devices"
To be fair, there was so much hype leading up to yesterday's announcement that perhaps there was no way even Steve Jobs could meet expectations. The iPad was supposed to change the world. Create a whole new category of gadget, which, according to Walt Mossberg and others, Steve has never done. By their definition, the pundits will say that Steve Jobs did not create anything new here either.

Here is another good quote about the iPod from October 2001 (it sounds like many quotes I heard about the iPad yesterday):

"Apple has introduced a product that's neither revolutionary nor breakthrough"