Saturday, May 23, 2009

techcrunch (via keith rabois) - Social networks killed eBay traffic (not amazon? hmm)

So what happened?

With the fun factor driving eBay usage, what really stole eBay’s limelight was the rise of social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook and the likes of YouTube. In December 2006, almost half of the U.S. Internet population was still visiting eBay. But when you examine the total amount of time spent online, 11.9 percent was spent on MySpace versus 3.7 percent on eBay (according to By then, people were already devoting more of their online time to pimping out their MySpace profiles or snacking on YouTube’s videos.


"Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Keith Rabois, vice president of strategy and business development for Slide, the social entertainment company. Prior to Slide, Keith was a VP at LinkedIn and an EVP at PayPal in charge of among other things, competitive strategy vis-à-vis eBay. He also worked at eBay for three weeks following its acquisition of PayPal. Keith currently serves on the Board of Directors of Yelp, Vendio, Xoom and FanIQ."

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