To be clear:
The Stimulist is…
1. What Carlos Watson has always wanted from a news site: a broad range of sources, provocative articles, a place to learn about incredible people, things to try, historical context, and some sex.
2. Not all about sex. Sorry.
3. An ongoing conversation. If you’re a writer, or if you’re not, The Stimulist hereby solicits your ideas.
4. A work in progress. The Stimulist wants your feedback.
5. A place to find inspiration. Recession or no, it’s a beautiful world full of fascinating things. Find some here.
The Stimulist is not…
1. Into pessimist hysteria. We’re not delivering hyper-liberal snark, gloomy predictions about the economy, or caustic celeb gossip.
2. A porn site. But it may be the most fun you can have in front of your computer at work. (If you have work. If not, see #3.)
3. Ever mean to its interns.
4. The Daily Beast.
5. A place for you to anonymously act like an ass. That’s why we have a commenting policy."
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