Apple (AAPL) CFO Peter Oppenheimer, speaking on the company’s post-earnings conference call this afternoon, said the company continues to expect to sell 10 million iPhones in calendar 2008.
Here are some other tidbits from the call.
Oppenheimer noted that FY Q3 operating margins of 19.2% were higher than expected, due in part to a favorable commodity cost environment.
Macs had their best quarter ever in units, by more than 150,000; Macs were 60% of revenue, with units up 33% growth year over year.
Notebooks were 64% of Mac sales in the quarter.
iPods were up 21% year over year in units.
Apple plans to launch iPhone sales in a few countries in Europe in the fourth calendar quarter, expanding into more countries into 2008.
Sales in Apple stores totalled $915 million, up 33% year-over-year; there are 185 stores; average stores in the quarter was 180, generated on average $5.1 million revenue per store, up from $4.7 million a year ago. "

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