Friday, February 09, 2007

Biographies of Jack and Elaine La Lanne

"Jack La Lanne turned 91 on September 26, 2005, and that is hard to believe. He doesn't look it! In public, young people flock to him and older people feel Jack has found the Fountain of Youth.

Jack La Lanne is America's Number 1 Physical Fitness Expert and Guru, and is often called the 'Godfather of Fitness'. Jack admits it was not always this way. 'As a kid,' he flatly states, 'I was a sugarholic and a junk food junkie! It made me weak and it made me mean. It made me so sick I had boils, pimples and suffered from nearsightedness. Little girls used to beat me up. My mom prayed… the church prayed.' It was at the age of 15 when he heard pioneer nutritionist Paul Bragg speak at the Oakland City Women's Club in the San Francisco Bay Area that Jack finally realized he was addicted to sugar. Bragg promised Jack if he would exercise and eat a proper diet he could regain good health. Jack listened attentively and was fiercely determined to walk away from that lecture ready to build a totally new Jack La Lanne. "

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