Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ben Casnocha: The Blog: The Big Drivers of the Next 10 Years

"After giving me a tour of the facility, we sat down and Sean described some of the big trends they see developing over the next decade. Some of the themes that most intrigue me:
A 'group economy' threads together past visions of emergence, new kinds of capital, collective action, grassroots economics, etc.
'Lightweight infrastructure' builds grassrootes economies into physical structures.
'Sensemaking' is about the importance of focal points and maps in an ever-less-bounded world. Physical context increases in importance.After giving me a tour of the facility, we sat down and Sean described some of the big trends they see developing over the next decade. Some of the themes that most intrigue me:
A 'group economy' threads together past visions of emergence, new kinds of capital, collective action, grassroots economics, etc.
'Lightweight infrastructure' builds grassrootes economies into physical structures.
'Sensemaking' is about the importance of focal points and maps in an ever-less-bounded world. Physical context increases in importance."

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