Wednesday, June 01, 2005

"Used books to music LPs and CDs; trading cards and comic books to home and garden items; and children's clothing to antiques and personal services. Swap the things you have for the things you want, save cash. It is easy to get started: "

The dirt:
- Management does not have domain expertise in the space.
- Key to their model is scale and recurring usage from existing and new members.
- Swapthing will compete head on with the likes of craigslist and even ebay down the road.
- User interface is average.


Anonymous said...

This is actually a really cool website. Much more user friendly than craiglist, and a LOT cheaper than ebay in the long run. Its so awesome. You can have your own virtual flee market! Very nicely developed website!

About Us said...

Sounds like they may be doing well