Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Arroyo Raises $12M, Drops CEO

"Arroyo Video Solutions, Inc., developer of a unique video platform that enables operators to deliver advanced video applications, today announced the completion of a $12 million Series B round of expansion financing, bringing total venture capital investment in Arroyo to more than $25 million. The round was led by Matrix Partners, a top venture capital firm, with participation by all existing investors including: DCM - Doll Capital Management, Foundation Capital, Time Warner Investments and Comcast Interactive Capital. The new financing will be used to accelerate Arroyo's growth in advanced video services by addressing new strategic opportunities and markets. "

Arroyo co-founders were previously from 3Com (CTO and Senior Vice President of Technology) and Novell (Co-founder known as the "father of the network operating system).

[Light Reading]

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