Friday, June 30, 2006

Help with my blog (technical problems)

Since Google has not been helpful (or responded to my numerous emails) in fixing this technical problem, I am asking you bloggers for some help.

When I try to post from google toolbar to my blog (after clicking on "publish post"), "null" pops up in the blog box. I have tried republishing this blog a number of times, using mozilla/firefox, using a different computer to post, using and republishing with new templates, etc., but none of these things have helped.

If anyone knows how to fix this, please email me or comment on this post.


UPDATE: I've solved the problem in case anyone else has similar issues in the future.

This was the problem. Here is an image.

"From: Experiment33
Date: Thurs, May 25 2006 6:08 am

Another user, gberke said this:
"Yes. Blogger help answered and said I had CAPTCHA set... they reset it and it works fine. I don't know where that setting is and if you google the word, you'll find it's an acronym for checking that it's a human posting, and not a machine. Anyway, they fixed it, and CAPTCHA is what the man said he reset. If I find more, I'll let you know (I did tell the person I didn't understand what and how he did it, and that the problem was happening to way more than just me.) "

So then, I did some searching on how to reset blogger CAPTCHA. It didn't get me far, but it helped me understand the issue (I think). Apparently blogger thinks I (we) may be sploggers, so it added the random squiggly letter verification to our posts. If you go to create a new post via the dashboard instead of the BlogThis! button you'll probably see word verification below where you create the post. If you
click on the orange circle with a question mark next to where it says word verification, a pop-up will appear saying that blogger thinks you might be a spam blocker and has marked your blog for review, but you have to solve one of these CAPTCHA letter verification tasks to get them to do it. They say they will reply via email when they have reviewed it and it might take a little while (no actual
estimate). I did this on Wednesday morning, so I'll probably give them
a week before I start trying something else, but I'm easy like that.
I'll post again if I get a message from them. "