Thursday, December 04, 2008

1440WallStreet: Clarium LP Drops 5.4% in November, Down 8.1% YTD

"Clarium Capital Management is one of the best houses in a lousy land called Hedgistan, and while Peter Thiel can continue to put bread on the table, you can get a little lean while charging 0/25 in the middle of a giant global shitshow.And while Peter is no doubt racking that considerable brain of his, he is 0 - fer on the back nine in 2008, losing money five months a row. He is in a foot race with Paul Tudor Jones' BVI fund year-to-date, and hanging tough in the Global Macro sweepstakes. Unlike Tudor Jones, he has not yet gated investors, preventing them from redeeming funds."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

800 million in yahoo
800 million in google
800 million in XLF

2.4B highway to hell